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What Our Clients Say About Us

Here at Legendary Escapes, it’s easy for us to talk about our products. We love our pools, and we are proud of what we do. We could go on for days about the unique process we have pioneered, the customized features we provide, and the outstanding swimming pools we design and build. But it’s not all about us! The most important part of our business is our customers. We love our clients, and our first priority is providing the best service possible and building the best custom swimming pool for each one of our clients. Since we value our clients so highly, we thought we’d let them speak for themselves.

We interviewed some of our past homeowners and asked them what they thought about Legendary Escapes, the team, and the design and construction process. Here are some excerpts from interviews with several different clients:

Q: What are some words you would use to describe Al and the team?

A: “Passionate…certainly creative, which is not a term I sling around lightly. Feeling your way through the possibilities…that was a real plus. It’s very different for us, as engineers, but…that open-ended-ness was a really appealing thing. And, whatever the word that means ‘always exceeding your expectations,’ that word.”

Q: What was your first impression of Al?

A: “When you meet Al for the first time, you’ll realize he’s a very genuine person. You don’t feel any pressure to purchase a pool from Al, unlike other pool builders we had talked to. He will sit down and walk you through the process. He will take his time and answer any questions that you have. He spent a few hours with us on our first visit, which no one else is willing to do; he’s very unique in that way.”

Q: Tell us a little bit about your pool and your thoughts on it.

A: “Our pool has far exceeded our expectations. Al does amazing work; everything is original. I don’t think we’ll ever find a pool that looks exactly like ours, and with Al you’ll get that special treatment.”

Overall, our clients love the attitude that Al and the team bring to the job site. They are easy-going and willing to work with clients in a unique way. They get the job done, and make sure it is done well, but they are never bothered by distractions or questions. We at Legendary Escapes recognize that our job site is someone’s home. We do everything we can to make our presence enjoyable, rather than stressful, and we would never want to keep you from using your home the way you normally would. We understand that kids want to play outside–especially if there’s something exciting going on out there. One homeowner said, “Having the children around while Al was doing the building process was wonderful. Al and the whole crew were great with my kids. They were out here helping Al dig holes, having fun, and not once was Al or his crew bothered by that.”

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