Waterfall Lighting At Night

A key point to a project, at least for me what I’ve come to realize is how important lighting is at night. It just takes the whole project to another level, because it allows them to fully enjoy the evening, as well as during the day. With this one, because we have sort of the steampunk theme, and you can look at steampunk as also there’s a nautical element to it with the airships and things. We used some nautical lighting in the waterfall to create some of the light space in the waterfall.

Our exterior lighting we used barn lanterns, and to pull a little bit more of that steampunk element in, every third light we changed the color. Instead of it being a black fixture, we made it a copper-colored fixture. The net result is they don’t just fade away, now certain ones of them stick out and it helps create, again, that feel, because you could loosely think of a barn lantern as part of a steampunk theme, but it would have to be the right color. If we’d done all of them out of copper color, there would have been too much exposed, they’d be too visible. Now, you just see lights occasionally, but then at night they’re all on and it’s spectacular.

Author: Ask the Pool Guy