We always recommend that owners of pools with safety covers either open the pool early, late April or early May, to prevent the pool from being green when opening. Another fix if you want to wait to open is to add a case or two of chlorine when the water thaws in the spring, or even this week if you haven’t yet. Many homeowners would like the pool vacuumed when the cover is taken off. This is much easier, and possible with clear water. Take a look at these two pools opened yesterday and today. Which water clarity level would you rather see? (To stock up on chemicals to help your water stay clear all season long, you can visit our online store.)

Chances are you’d prefer the water clarity of the pool on top…
Whichever the case, Pietila Pools Services is here to help. If you need a pool opening, service or maintenance to equipment, or tile and coping repair, please call to schedule: 248-478-4978.
We also work with vinyl liner pools for replacements – watch for some fun posts on this coming your way!