Guests: Allan Curtis/Sandi Maki

Company Name: Legendary Escapes (Construction)/Ask the Pool Guy (Service/Online)
Guest Title/Position: Co-Owners – Sandi handles operations/marketing and Al handles innovation/construction/service technical questions/
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Our website landing page is the best place to get to know our construction philosophy, how we are different and some of our on the job photos/dogs and more: – any photos can be used from our website or any social channels for about us press.
Company: Legendary Escapes: Construction

Legendary Escapes: Building Artistic Custom Hybrid Swimming Pools in Michigan
Company: Ask the Pool Guy: Service & Online Resources

Ask the Pool Guy: Service/Online: Servicing Pools in Southeastern Michigan, and Answer Online Questions Related to Pools.
Al, Designer/Builder and The Pool Guy

I am a hands on artist who happens to work in concrete and swimming pools. I’ve always been the guy to jump in and grab the shovel, not just sit in an office and design. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I joined the pool industry when I was in college – little did I know that I’d make a long term career in the industry.
My favorite projects are the ones that are creative and where clients give me artistic liberty to create something that is an experience. When we [the clients and I] build a swimming pool together it’s a journey that we both take, not a simple contractor experience. The more I am able to find out what they like to do, and places they enjoy, the more I can hand-craft an experience that is custom made for them.
Allan Curtis has been in the pool industry for most of his adult life. We’ll leave you to figure out just what this translates to in years. He is the lead designer and builder with an artistic approach to building swimming pools in Michigan through his construction company, Legendary Escapes Pools.
What we have come to realize, is that Al Curtis probably has more hands on experience and working knowledge of swimming pools than anyone in the country. Many people can say that they’ve been involved in the industry at some level for a number of years, however, the specific working knowledge that you get from being a part of things on a daily basis, is something else. The good news is that Al continues to share his expertise, and his desire to make the industry a better place by taking questions and sharing knowledge via his online alter ego: Ask the Pool Guy.

Sandi Maki, Coordinator of Everything

Encouragingly Optimistic
This is Sandi’s favorite year ever. Okay, every year is her favorite year ever. Sandi shares a jump in with both feet commitment in everything that she does. Her willingness to jump, dive or parachute in has helped inspire the movement of mountains. This attention to intention has won her the hearts of the enthusiast community and some really cool day trips.
Sandi has brokered domestic domicile deals, labored in the backyard water recreation industry, typed, planned, strategized and accounted her way around an office.
Joining the real estate industry as an office coordinator Sandi became licensed and quickly rose through the ranks to become an Associate Broker, having helped sellers navigate marketing choices to get their homes sold, and buyers find the home of their dreams. Sandi is the founding Broker and lead marketer of Legendary Real Estate, a Boutique firm that launched in the fall of 2015. Every home has a story -she tells them well.
As if she isn’t already having enough fun, Sandi has been the voice for various companies ads and promotion (talking comes naturally and the voice was a gift). She’s been a featured persona of a national brand campaign (can you hear me now?) and can be found on most streaming services explaining social media, organic marketing and blogging, as well as an audio version of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.
Specialties: Coordinator of Everything, Marketing Powerhouse, Social Media, Strategy, Organic Marketing, Persona Branding, Face Reading, Personality Studies with Clients and Teams
Sandi is a student of life, people, psychology, and more. She has designed an eccentric, eclectic, and magical office HQ: home of the “Mansion Menagerie” – Golden Retreivers, Koi Fish, and Lucky Cluckers Chickens (the newest obsession!) @ The Steampunk Mansion in Howell, MI.
Sandi’s formative years were spent growing up above bridge in Northern Michigan. Loving the southern accent she picked up for a time, y’all can relate to her sometimes southern belle style of summertime denim and flip-flops and effective delivery of any message by saying it with a smile. She is the mother of two adorable, kind, caring, generous, full grown wonderful adult children, Kaylee and Kyle. Her favorite things include Toby Keith, Irish accents, tropical islands and chocolate and peanut butter used in combination.
Currently Sandi is the Coordinator of Everything in our trio of swimming pool companies from Legendary Escapes construction to Ask the Pool Guy Service to online sales – we are changing the industry with Ask the Pool Guy – and the experience of customers across the country.