We’re nominees for the group hatch-o-holics on Facebook for sure. We’ve recently hatched our third round in the incubator (and have reset round 4 with farm fresh eggs from 3 different farms PLUS ours! Talk about magical mixes emerging from our eggs…
Back to the original story that was our silkie broody mama (who no one adopted in the coop when we tried to add chicks last time and they had to raise themselves)…THIS GREY silkie chick has been sitting patiently for weeks! Finally, on day 17-18 when we put the incubator on lockdown, we put (4) eggs underneath mama. She hatched all 4! Two sets of twins it would seem. Two are silkie mixes with copper heads and feathered/silkie feet and the other two are Tiny (bantam old english and it appears porcelain d’uccle – no silkie feet) mixes.
They seem sleeker, shinier, and less fuzzy then their counterparts that we hatched via incubator in the last days. All seem happy and healthy, and mama (yet to be named) also allows our “Mother Clucker” to borrow them without being too bothered for photo shoots and the like!
*Note to self and anyone else who tries this method…MARK THE CHICKS you put under mama so when you go out the next day and there are 8 eggs instead of 4 you don’t have to guess and candle to verify which eggs are which… not that we have personal experience with that or anything…
Anyway, Enjoy Mama! (forever now known as “Mama Silkie”!