Category: chicken coop

Escape Chickens

Nothing says get a good night sleep like discovering that two chicks (in this case a black asian and a maran) decided to fly and perch atop the fence around the temporary indoor chicken coop. So back in they go. As #motherclucker watches they fly directly at the fence, catch…

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Baby Yoda and the ChickyChicks

when can my chicks move outside?

As the chicks get bigger, that means bigger messes! They definitely need their space to explore the world, seek out food, and have some quiet/alone time! Here are the minimum temperatures per week in degrees °Fahrenheit that the chicks need!

When can my chicks go outside?

We are anxiously awaiting warmer weather and slightly older chicks so we can get them out of the house and into their coop (which we don’t have yet) as it is being built. As it happens, we have very talented friends…so our #luckycluckers will live in a #bluecastle fit for…

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Coop for a Growing Group

This week we needed to create more space for the growing chicks. We decided to put up a larger playground area. Much harder to keep clean and change out the pine shavings, but they have a lot of room and we’ll have less issues if water spills. We also picked…

Cozy Chicks enjoy the Coop in a Crate

January 17th we incorporated a few new chicks into our flock. At this point the chicks are living in a cute and cozy crate/wooden box that has plenty of room for our 26 chicks. Here’s our first run of instagram pics! We added a couple of isa browns, black marans,…