Here we are in 2024, in what almost feels like a post apocalyptic world. Things have changed so much for everyone over the last few years, it’s hard to recognize what the world looked like before we had shut downs, lock downs, and supply chain issues that just about changed everything. Politics and political issues too…too much to talk about here.
Here we are on the other side of most of that craziness. Our world has changed so much that we have all but clung to our mantras of Living in the Yummy and Living Legendary. You may have been following our farm adventures – the year COVID hit we started with a pond of Koi Fish that needed to be rehomed. It took a full year before we decided it was time for a few* (40+) chickens – and from there, Living Legendary philosophy truly kicked in and took over and we’ve now got a full farm of chickens (120+), Mini Pigs, Alpacas, Goats, Chickens, Ducks< Geese, Quail, Peacocks, Emu, Koi, Rabbits, Birds, Bees, Tortoise, Painted Turtles, Turkey and Golden Retrievers. We didn’t see this phase of life coming, and couldn’t have predicted it if we tried. It doesn’t fit on any of our “life’s plan” goals, and yet it’s here. It’s truly magical to spend time with our farm family – and we welcome you and your family to take the time for a visit, anytime! Legendary Acres Hobby Farm
Looking at our fast farm growth we’ve come to realize we added so much life to our farm and lives to keep feeling alive. With each new animal came the opportunity to fall in love with something or someone new. New sounds, interactions, and all the feels that come from falling in love with a new being became the beginning and end to our days. Before he heads out to projects and pools, Al starts the day with his chickens and all of the farm animals – and closes the day by hugging his chickens. None of us expected this part of our adventures – it means less travel and sticking closer to home, and we’ve found that to be the perfect addition to balance out our lives.
Along the way we also met an fell in love with some new Legendary Families as well. We got out of the habit of posting what we were up to during the “you are not supposed to be out of your house lockdown times” – (when we also started our secret “Speakeasy Music Nights” every week), and we were truly lucky to be working with the Legendary Savich family during that trying time of COVID. We were supposed to dig the pool and have concrete delivered the day the shutdowns were announced as non-essential workers staying home. To say it slowed us down is an understatement. When we were able to get running again we didn’t post much online and social – we put our heads down, went to work, and created magical, yet somewhat “secretive” projects, environments and had many more Legendary moments lived in a small close circle of confidants who were “in the know”. You may enjoy visiting a few of our epic projects now that we’re talking about them again ;o) The Savich Family allowed us to journey the “Road to Hana“, followed by having some out of this world”Galaxy Adventures” and a “Post-Apocalyptic Theme Park”. Next our team got to create the place where everyone wants to spend time at “The Buckley Inn” (which Sandi originally hoped to call “Buckley Family Fun Land” – and we’ve made such amazing family friends with all of the super dupe Buckley’s!) 2023 brought out some larger than life experiences and the “Rockstar Experience” where we all got immersed into a life long Kiss fan’s dream.
Our current 2024 project is on a scale entirely it’s own. The Sugg family came along side us during our secret music night phase and we began dreaming with them of what would be possible if anything was possible. For their project, the ask was to add “one of everything” and more to create a family sanctuary for their backyard. Life is busy, careers are demanding, and at the end of the day creating a space to “be” with family and friends is the perfect way to embrace the peaceful, cozy, tranquil and the Yummy! Al’s imagination has taken it to an entirely new level with this one, adding a fully sea-worthy Chris-Craft boat as one side of the pool, and buildings, docks and streets, to look like the “Streets of Mackinac“, one of the family’s favorite places on the largest project (scale, scope, size and cost) that we’ve tackled to date. We are excited to share more of these adventures with you – in what is going to be one crazy cool pool build!
In Family news, Amidst all of this, we had some family changes too – Kaylee and Zach got married, and now Sandi has a new Grandson too, proud parents Kaylee and Zach welcomed baby Hunter in September of 2023. Gramma Sandi now has Hunter when K&Z are at work, and is loving every minute of this new phase, along with keeping up with the pool service and builds, and taking care of farm animals in between. Kyle, who many of you may know is working at a 3D printing firm in Ann Arbor and enjoying that very much!
The Curtis family headed to Colorado for Katie’s marriage to Brett this year (2024), Jesse is Al’s super duper sidekick, and Annie is doing more stonework and art on the projects. Molly heads back from Grand Valley for the summer. We expect to see an appearance from Karen from time to time this summer as she is on special teams – living in Marquette with her mom Phyllis and dropping in to lend a hand at times.
Mark and Briggs are doing well on their adventures. Mark’s fully into day-trading and spending time with family. We hear Briggs loves swimming in Lake Superior so much that Mark’s stayed in the UP for longer than he had intended, as it appears those UP roots go deep.
Frank continues to help us build all things carpentry and is Al’s sounding board for getting some of the crazier things done – and being Pop Pop to his growing family of grandkids!
Brendan comes back again this summer to assist with all of our regular weekly service clients and filling in anywhere Al and Frank need him. We’ve even recruited his brother Nick to assist a bit when he is in town.
I hope you’ve read this far and enjoyed our updates…if we haven’t, we’d love to hear from you, have you for a visit, or just touch base! Al will see many of you on this season’s pool opening schedule – and please reach out if you have any service related inquires for us this season. Galina’s our service scheduling rockstar! She can help connect you with the people and resources you need, whether it is with us, or someone new! We appreciate you! ~ Sandi
The Rockstar Pool – At Night