We are having so much fun this season being social! We’re going live on the job on Facebook – Posting Instagram Stories and Updates of our Project Progress and Team Adventures, and most importantly our Legendary Puppies~who are all part of our crew, We are going all out having a #livinglegendary year! Keep up with our team and our antics, subscribe, follow and you might just find yourself #livinglegendary – More than just a hashtag, it’s a philosophy for life!
Lazy River acres, our living legendary adventure!
building the right pool for the right people ~ get ready for an epic summer ~ coming to a backyard in Michigan ~ 2019 #livinglegendary #lazyriveracres #onceuponatime #mysterymine
Construction Cam on the Job Site:
We are excited to bring you the 2019 Living Legendary Adventures in Season 2!
Season 2: Meet our Team
On the Job {LIVE Recordings}
Watch Once Upon a Time:

Lazy River Acres Adventures
Instagram #livinglegendary #askthepoolguy #legendaryescapes