Steampunk Caribbean Spa
Here is the hot spa with its lovely spill over
Katie Talks about Our Hybrid Spa
Katie talks about how our latest finished project is both vinyl liner and gunite to make it our custom Hybrid Pool!
The Pool Guy Discuses the Spa
Al talks about Hybrid Spa specific. For 4 to 8 people, feeding a sheet-ing waterfall.
Outdoor Adventure Spa
Karen gives us a quick look at the bluestone surround for the elevated spa on this project, and a quick list of the steps involved in it’s installation.
Working with a Stand Alone Spa
Incorporating a stand-alone-spa correctly can look very nice and incorporated into the whole design!
Spa Surrounding Coping Choices
The Pool Guy shows of the spa area.
Spa Stairs
Here in our indoor pool project we are adding a lot of elements to this pool but we also want to make sure it is very functional for people to get in and out!
Planning the Sheeting Spillover on a Spa
It takes a certain surface for water to sheet off of a spill over spa just right. Check out this video for a discussion of how to plan the spa spillover for the effect that you are looking for.
Prepping For Eco Finish in the Spa
Here Al talks about how he has done a base for the spa and then he is going to do ecoFinish over that for our spa surface.