Our team has had an evolution with ecoFinish. Since first being introduced to it, we’ve tried it on our own projects with success and some learning along the way. We share parts of our journey with ecoFinish and the company that manufactures it so you can learn more about it, from our perspective.
Al, of Ask the Pool Guy and Legendary Escapes {pool construction} is an installer of ecoFinish. He shares his thoughts and insights about the product and the company because he is truly excited about this product, and the people behind it.
Our Introduction to ecoFinish
Article originally posted March 7, 2014 from Karen’s perspective
Last night we left the bright lights and constant activity of Atlantic City to travel to Warminster, a quiet, nothing to do, little town in Pennsylvania. Arriving in Warminster, we tried to find something fun the four of us could do; part of the experience of the entire trip was to team build, furthering Mark and my increasing participation in decision making, but the only thing we could find was a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts. Which we made, then returned to the motel to discuss the upcoming season, and the reason why we were in Warminster: an exploratory visit to the ecoFinish headquarters.
EcoFinish is a company that has come up with one of the most exciting new products in the pool industry. By trial and error over the last six years, they have come up with a new pool finish, Aquabright, that is “a thermal plastic coating that is applied pneumatically. I viewed it as something similar to powder coating machine parts, but I don’t know enough about either process to explain the unique differences.
Anyway, we were in town to be shown the installation process and judge for ourselves the quality of the product; asking ourselves if we thought the process and finish were something we wanted to invest in. The finish can be applied as an alternative to plaster/hydrazzo/pebble finishes on gunite; it is a wonderful resurfacing finish for stained and aged fiberglass pools and spas; and it is a viable repair surface for cracked fiberglass steps and slides. We like our hybrid pool design, so we wouldn’t use the finish for our pools, but as a sideline repair service for everything fiberglass, there is a huge need. P.S. We also went to this demonstration looking for what other creative uses we could use this process for.

day was divided into four sections: a discussion of the installation
process, a hands-on demonstration, a history of the company, and then an
outside tour of local pools with the applied finish. It was an
interesting day. The actual installation process is not hard, but it is
exacting. Patience is needed to insure the tedious steps are completed
to ensure the successful adhesion of the heated plastic coating. The
fun part of the day was getting to use the gun that sprays the coating.
It’s like a flame thrower when you first start it up, but then you tone
the flame down so you can slowly wave the gun back and forth, creating
layers of heated plastic that hardens quickly into durable surface.
After listening to the history of the company, we were able to go out
and view existing pool and spa surfaces. We were able to see them
underwater and touch them to see if there was any chipping or chalking.
The surfaces looked impressive underwater. I really liked how it blended with the tile line. I think the finish is a cool looking surface, a viable surface worth investing in. It would also be fun to see what else the Aquabrite finish could be used for. On the way home, Al and Mark were talking about spraying their boots to waterproof them.
Stay tuned as we discover more about EcoFinish and the possibilities!
That was then, this is now
ecoFinish is an amazing product. There is a key to it being installed correctly – it needs to be done by an installer that is approved by ecoFinish and who knows what they are doing. Prep of the pool surface is critical, as well as following the ecoFinish protocol to achieve a chemical bond AND a mechanical bond.
Visit our YouTube videos for hours and hours of thoughts, opinions, questions, answers and facts about ecoFinish and it’s uses.
For all the pool knowledge you’re looking for, check out Ask the Pool Guy HQ. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about swimming pools, all in one place. Ask the Pool Guy is passionate about sharing the vast knowledge he has acquired throughout his decades in the pool industry, and he wants to make sure everyone has an enjoyable pool experience. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for here, you can contact him or a capable member of his team! Visit our Ask the Pool Guy Website: http://www.askthepoolguy.com
Legendary Escapes is the home of the hybrid swimming pool. Al, the designer and builder, and his team are passionate about creating unique, one-of-a-kind pools. They are constantly innovating and coming up with new ways to better serve their clients. No two Legendary Escapes pools are alike, and they are unlike any pool you’ll find elsewhere. Our website showcases our projects, as well as providing helpful information if you’re a current pool owner or considering building a custom swimming pool in Michigan or a looking for a custom pool build anywhere in the United States. To learn more about the construction arm of Ask the Pool Guy, check out the Legendary Escapes website: http://www.LegendaryEscapes.com
Ask the Pool Guy and Legendary Escapes are striving to share the knowledge! We don’t think homeowners in SE Michigan should be the only people who have the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, hybrid swimming pool; so we’re working with builders across the country to bring hybrid pools to you. We’re happy to work with local builders, wherever “local” might be, to design and build beautiful custom hybrid swimming pools all over the country.