For those of you who follow Al and Sandi’s adventures, and Ask the Pool Guy’s internet presence, you might have read my blogs about the trip I took with them to Atlantic City. If you did, you’ll know this is Karen writing, for those of you who missed those blurbs, I am an up and coming presence in the Ask the Pool Guy family, though I have worked for the company for sixteen years.
I work with Al on the design and building aspect of Legendary Escapes, Ask the Pool Guy’s construction side, and if you read my first blog about our trip to Atlantic City for a pool Convention, you will know that Al laid down a challenge to those who work for him. He challenged us to define our presence in the company, what would be OUR legacy, down the road, when the physical demands of hauling rocks, tying steel, mixing cement, and wheeling concrete become too much.
I’ve been thinking about this challenge since he issued it, and I like where it is pushing me. I hope you do too, because I’ve decided to allow my voice to be heard. Al is the face and heart of Ask the Pool Guy, Sandi is the backbone, Mark (service extraordinaire) and I are the main muscles. We all need each other to get the jobs done. While I DO NOT want to be a facial presence on the front line of keeping Ask the Pool Guy an internet and business success, I do want to be a supporting and recognizable voice. So watch out, because here I come, with my own unique voice on anything and everything Ask the Pool Guy/Legendary Escapes.